A great rant on liberalism by The Other McCain

I agree with every word of this.

My tendency toward vehement expression makes me ill-suited for discussions intended to convert people to my point of view. And, honestly, I consider such arguments a waste of time.

Democrats tend to be deficient in either knowledge or character. If their allegiance to Satan’s Own Party is a result of ignorance, they will either wise up, or they won’t. And if they are Democrats because of defects in their character — selfishness and dishonesty being the most common vices of liberals — then it’s good that they are Democrats. “Look over there, voters: A party crowded with liars and thieves.”

Bad causes attract bad people, and the economic platform of the Democrat Party is sufficient to make it a mooch-magnet, the political embodiment of Sloth and Greed: “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!”

Honest and decent people abhor the encouragement of vice, and what else have Democrats done but campaign on the Seven Deadly Sins, which they rhetorically transform into “social justice”?

A liberal would cheerfully swallow a porcupine, if you called it “social justice,” but as the Nobel Prize economist Friedrich Hayek demonstrated, social justice is a mirage — a deceptive delusion, a phantom, a will-o’-th’-wisp, the elusive quarry of fools. Watching governments pursue this impossible goal, wrecking society in the name of Equality and Progress, one is reminded that when Thomas More wrote Utopia, he coined the title from Greek: “Nowhere.”

Liberalism leads us on the Road to Nowhere, because liberalism has no logical stopping point. Cede their every demand today, and tomorrow liberals will be back to demand more. One realizes eventually that anyone who cedes anything to liberals is rather like Chamberlain at Munich, supposing he had gained “peace for our time” by bargaining away the Sudetenland to Hitler.

Excuse the totalitarian analogy, but it well suits the case. […]

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